Stories from Surrogates
Meet Danielle
Watch Danielle’s videos about her surrogacy journey.
Meet Alicia
Read Alicia’s surrogacy story.
Meet Kevany
She shares her story about her surrogacy!
Meet Katy
Katy shares about her surrogacy process.
Meet Ally
Ally shares her story about her 2 journeys!
Meet Lynn
Her story about her first journey, starting a second and from a nurse’s perspective.
Meet Heather
“The greatest thing was seeing his mother hold him for the first time. That was incredible.”
Meet Candice
“I am fulfilled”
Meet Stephanie
“I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself and always had easy pregnancies so started looking into surrogacy.”
Meet Kelsey
“I was very excited for them! It was just like my best friends had a baby. I loved them but there was not the same bond as there was with my kids.”
Meet Liz
On her second journey.
Meet Ally
“I loved this experience, and will spend the rest of my life being grateful that I got to be a part of this and help build a family, and that my kids got to learn young that families are built in all kinds of ways, and all you really need for a family is love... and a little science!”
Meet Ariel
“There are other women that can’t carry, but want nothing more than to be a mom.”
Meet Ashley
“Nothing can prepare you for this amazing journey.”
Meet Kayla
Read Kayla’s surrogacy story.
Meet Callie
On her second journey.
Meet Janelle
“Knowing how badly I wanted to have children of my own and not being able to imagine the heartbreak of having difficulty achieving my lifelong dream of motherhood made me realize that I needed to at least look into the process of becoming a surrogate.”
Meet Katrina
“It was such an incredible moment I felt so much happiness and joy, for the baby to finally meet his loving parents.”
Meet Laura
"I was overwhelmed with happiness for them and their family!"
Meet Heather
”It is not an easy process, but it is absolutely worth it. You are an incredible person to do this for someone else.”
Meet Liana
“I had the privilege of announcing baby's sex (it's a girl!)… It was an incredible feeling; an incredible moment.”
Meet Courtney
“The weight of emotions felt in that first hug with the intended parents made it all worth it!”
Meet Liz
On her first surrogacy journey
Meet Callie
On her first surrogacy journey
Meet Kristina
“The intended mother gave me a a letter after hearing about me and I just fell in love with her and her story.”
Meet Jade
“Enjoy the process! You are doing something really amazing for another family.”