Our journey with BFF was super professional from start to finish. Great (and fast) communication, all of the right info shared at the right times, a feeling of authentic support and encouragement from our coordinator. We really love, also, that BFF has a social worker who meets with IPs and surrogates once a month (or more if needed). That's a very important service that many agencies don't provide. ~Intended Parent KK
I share my surrogacy story because it’s part of me now and always will be. I don’t need thank you gifts but they are the sweetest little surprises to receive from my amazing agency, I talk about Colorado Surrogacy in my story because I would have been lost with out the ladies I’ve met. It may seem like I have all the surrogacy answers now but trust me I’ve only learned from the best and am still learning. ~ Gestational Carrier Kristina Wilkerson
There was so much detail, legal and otherwise with this process that I knew I needed the help of an experienced agency. I chose Colorado Surrogacy when I met Jennifer at a Fertility Resource event. Then, Amanda from Montana Surrogacy connected me to my surrogate and helped with each process along the way. Everyone here was wonderful, professional and caring. ~ Intended Parent Anonymous