Intended parents, let’s talk

Review the five most frequently asked questions below. If you still have questions, or if we can explain further, use the handy scheduler below to set up a no-charge (yes, it’s free!) thirty-minute phone consultation with a Bright Futures Families staff member. Choose a time that works for you, and you’ll receive an email confirming your phone call appointment.

Do you have surrogates available right now?

Short Answer: We clear gestational carriers every week. But we also have a list of waiting intended parents and we set to work finding a perfect fit for both sides!

Long Answer: It generally takes us 3 to 6 months to screen our gestational carriers as we gather all medical records, have them professionally reviewed, verify all information provided by the gestational carrier in her application, conduct interviews, background checks (including financial background checks), insurance verifications and a psychological review is conducted. By the time all of this is completed our GCs are ready to be matched.  We typically have a list of waiting intended parents and we set to work finding a perfect fit for both sides!

How long does it take to match?

*Short Answer: * In general, it can take anywhere from 6-12 months to find your perfect match. Long Answer: This is a great question and will vary widely from parent to parent. Once our gestational carriers are cleared, we set to finding a perfect match based on what she wants and what you as a parent are looking for, which may mean that the first gestational cleared when you are at the top of the list isn’t your best fit!

Some of the items we consider (and this is not an all-inclusive list!) to make certain you are a good fit on will be: the number of embryos you plan to transfer (hint, we only support single embryo transfer), your stance on termination of a pregnancy, your stance on vaccines, location of the gestational carrier, contact you want to have during and after the process, willingness to pump breastmilk and so much more! That is a very long way to say that we just can’t know until we get to know you and your needs.

How much money do I need to pay upfront?

Short Answer: No agency fee is due until you match; but you do need to do some paperwork.

Long Answer: We do not take a full agency fees until you accept a match with a gestational carrier. You do need to complete some paperwork, though (application, agency agreement, background check forms, and a few more small items). This includes a nominal non-refundable application fee. But until both you and your gestational carrier say yes to matching, and your clinic approves her medical records, you pay no money beyond that application fee.

How much does surrogacy cost?

Short Answer: A typical surrogacy journey (exclusive of creation of embryos) will cost somewhere between $150,000 and $200,000.

Long Answer: While every journey is unique, a typical surrogacy journey (exclusive of creation of embryos) will cost somewhere between $150,000 and $200,000. That number should include clinic costs, agency fees, gestational carrier’s compensation and allowances, medical bills and attorney fees. It absolutely can be lower but it can also be higher. We give that as our estimate as we want you, as a parent, to be well prepared. If you end up with money left over? Fantastic!!

Why do you ask if I’ve seen a Reproductive Endocrinologist?

Short Answer: You need a plan for an embryo to transfer to your gestational carrier!

Long Answer: Our gestational carriers go through extensive screening in preparation for matching, so once they get to that point, they are ready to hit the ground running! We want you to be ready, too. Frequently embryo creation goes off without a hitch and might not take very long, but often time it’s like life: perfectly imperfect, and takes longer than you might anticipate. Asking allows us to know how to best guide and help you from the start.