Compensation guidelines
You and your intended parents, with legal counsel, agree to your compensation plan. While there is no one plan that covers all situations, you can expect compensation that generally follows these guidelines.
Surrogate Compensation
You get to decide your base compesnation as a gestational surrogate (experienced gestational surrogates may command higher compensation) — Generally most start anywhere from $50,000 to $65,000
Monthly incidentals (travel to doctors appointments, parking, childcare, FedEx, faxes, healthy diet, vitamins, etc.) — $250 per month
Housekeeping allowance — $200 per month
Maternity clothing allowance — $1,000 (add $250 for multiples)
Health insurance for surrogate (premiums, co-pays and deductibles) — $3,600 to $30,000+ (estimate, actual costs apply)
Life insurance for surrogate — ~$900+ (estimate, actual costs apply)
Embryo transfer fee — $1,500
Psychologist/Social Worker support — ~$1,250
Surrogate’s independent attorney — $3,000 (paid at actual cost)
Possible Additional Compensation
Multiple pregnancy — $10,000
Additional transfer fee (per transfer, as necessary) — $1,500
Fee for travel and lodging expenses if surrogate lives 100+ miles from IVF clinic — actual costs apply
Invasive procedures — $500 (most procedures)
Caesarean section — $3,000
Loss of uterus — $5,000
Companion travel (if desired, for invasive procedures only) — actual costs apply
Companion lost wages — variable with negotiated cap
Childcare during doctor ordered bed rest — variable
Surrogate lost wages — variable