Posts tagged why become a surrogate
Do intended parents pick a surrogate or does the surrogate pick the intended parents?
Ask an expert!Janelle Doddgestational surrogacy, gestational surrogate, intended parent, surrogacy 101, surrogacy agency, questions about surrogacy, surrogacy basics, surrogacy journey, surrogacy choices, surrogacy, intended parents, become a surrogate, surrogacy questions, is surrogacy right for me, why become a surrogate, bright futures families, conceiving bright futures, growing families, ask an expert
Can I be a surrogate if my current partner doesn't really seem on board with my being a surrogate?
Ask an expert!Janelle Doddsurrogacy 101, gestational surrogacy, gestational surrogate, surrogate, surrogacy, surrogacy basics, intended parents, become a surrogate, surrogacy agency, surrogacy questions, surrogates family, surrogates spouse, support, support network, spouse on board, spousal objection, is surrogacy right for me, why become a surrogate, why do it, apply today, apply now, bright futures families, conceiving bright futures, growing families