Concierge Surrogacy Services for LGBTQ Families
Hooray, you have found a surrogate without the help of an agency! Bright Futures Families offers a program that still provides a seamless journey for all of you, even though you have done the first few steps. Concierge surrogacy is flat-fee concierge service program designed to help you every step of the way, beginning with a no-charge consultation and ending with the birth of your baby. As you may be finding, most agencies do not offer a program tailored this way; we truly value independent matches.
Your relationship with Bright Futures Families begins with a no-charge consultation. You meet with one of our staff members in person, via phone or Zoom. We tell you about our program, explore where you are in the process and examine how we can help make the entire journey smoother for you. We discuss insurance issues, financial matters and what is included in our flat fee. We allow as much time as you need to share your story and to make sure we understand your history, desires and needs around this very important decision.
Once you decide to partner with us, you sign an agreement with Bright Futures Families called the Concierge Services Agency Agreement. You will also fill out a small amount of paperwork. Lastly, you meet your personable, professional and altogether likeable (if we do say so ourselves!) case management team from Bright Futures Families. Just like the Gestational Carriers in our full service matching program, we will conduct a full background check on your Gestational Carrier and her spouse, partner, or any adults living in her home. You get to join the fun, too! In addition to the background checks, we will send your Gestational Carrier to a psychological assessment and you will be provided a psychological counselling session to help you more fully understand the process you are all undertaking. These things, of course, are in addition to helping wrangle the mountains of paperwork that need to be tracked down!
The MEDICAL Side of things
If you don’t already have your gestational carrier’s medical records, we will assist with gathering her records and submitting them to your chosen fertility doctor. If you’ve been working with a fertility doctor, you may know that reproductive endocrinologists require that all parties undergo a complete medical screening before beginning in vitro fertilization (IVF). Medical screenings also precedes the legal agreement with your surrogate. We’ll help arrange those appointments, too!
Insurance is a complicated issue when it comes to surrogacy journeys. Most insurance providers do not cover IVF. Those costs typically are fully out of pocket. The maternity and delivery costs of your surrogate, however, are important to have covered by insurance. It’s possible your surrogate has insurance already that does not include a surrogacy exclusion, lien, or other surrogacy-unfriendly language. We help figure that out with you. And if her insurance is unfriendly, we help you with exploring other insurance options.
The legal agreement with your surrogate (and her spouse, if applicable) ensures that the best interests of all parties are represented. You and your surrogate have separate legal representation. We do provide a list of attorneys that are licensed in the state your gestational carrier lives and will give birth and specializes in assisted reproductive technology law. We guide you and your gestational carrier through the legal process as needed.
Most Intended Parents and Surrogates on this journey together like to take money out of the equation. The involvement of an escrow manager allows all costs and expenses agreed to in the legal agreement to be paid automatically by a third-party. We assist with the escrow portion by tracking and submitting disbursement requests. That way you can forget about money, paperwork and finances, and just focus on the baby!
THE IVF PROCESS (you made it!)
Your licensed reproductive endocrinologist oversees and manages the in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in their IVF clinic. Our programs assists you and your gestational carrier with travel accommodations (if needed), scheduling appointments, and medications. We also directly connect with your IVF clinic to ensure all protocols are being followed by intended parents and their gestational carrier.
We offer support throughout the pregnancy as you and your surrogate prepare for the baby’s arrival. Schedules, medical appointments, insurance guidance—we’re available to help when and how we can, just say the word. We also communicate with the hospital to be sure everyone is on the same page and supported. Around 14 weeks, your legal team files the documents with the court that establish your parental rights and stipulate that your name(s) appear on the birth certificate from the start. We will stay connected with your legal team to confirm these documents have been completed and filed.
Every parent remembers the moment they held their baby for the first time. The experience is unforgettable. We’re here to help in whatever ways we’re needed in the days leading up to and after your child’s birth. This includes making sure the birth certificate and all legal documents are in order. And, of course, passport and travel documents for international Intended Parents.
Are you looking for more information on our Concierge Services and what we can offer to you? We’re happy to chat. Sign up for a free initial consultation call today!